What is Trackback in WordPress?

With a trackback in WordPress, you send a notification to the other blog manually. To do this, you first need to find the trackback URL for the other blog's…
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Trackbacks and pingbacks are two different ways to notify another blog that you have linked to it. A trackback is a manual notification, while a pingback is an automatic notification.

With a trackback, you send a notification to the other blog manually. To do this, you first need to find the trackback URL for the other blog’s post. Once you have the trackback URL, you can then add it to your own blog post as a trackback. The other blog will then receive the trackback and can choose to display it on their site.

Pingbacks, on the other hand, are automatically generated when you link to another blog post. The other blog’s server will be notified of the pingback and can choose to display it on their site.

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